Want a way to save water, energy, and money while you enjoy a satisfying shower? Switch to a WaterSense labeled showerhead!
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Kearns Improvement District (KID) is a water and sewer utility located in Kearns, Utah. KID encompasses the area formerly known as Camp Kearns which was established as an air force replacement center during World War II. KID is a political subdivision of the State of Utah with specific statutory powers. We are governed by an elected Board of Trustees.
Kearns Improvement District is committed to delivering safe, clean, reliable, drinking water to our customers. We routinely monitor and sample the water delivered to ensure it is safe to drink. We work diligently each and every day to provide the level of service you deserve and have come to expect. If you have any questions regarding the quality of your drinking water or our services, please contact us at 801-968-1011.
Our Promise:
That our customers, our employees, and our community will know that we CARE!
Water and sewer laterals are the service lines that connect the home or business to KID’s mainlines. Please be aware that maintenance and repair of these laterals is the responsibility of the property owner.