May 2019 Billing Messages
Ready to start saving water on your landscape or in your home? It Pays to Conserve Water! View cash rebates and programs available to you at:, FREE Landscape Consultation! Flip your Strip REBATES! Smart controller REBATES! LocalScapes University REBATES! Toilet Replacement REBATES! Outdoor Watering Guide: May Once every 4 days, June Once every 3 days, July Once every 3 days, August Once every 3 days. The suggested watering application is ½-inch of water for each watering interval If it rains, turn off your sprinkler system and leave it off until the plants need to be watered. Avoid watering your landscape during the hottest hours of the day (8 am until 8 pm) to minimize evaporation Find the weekly watering guide at: Join us for KID’s Summer Safari, Scavenger Hunt, Games and Prizes Water cycle presentation by Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, 10 AM-12:30 PM, Wild Wonders will have live animals 11 AM-12 PM Where: James & Sherry Hayes Conservation Garden 5820 W. 6200 S., Kearns, UT 84118, When: Saturday June 22, 2019, 10 AM-12:30 PM, We hope to see you there!